The stories we tell when they ask to see their photos | Photo Albums |
How many times do your children ask to see the photo you JUST took with your cell phone?
"I see? I see?" That is the chirping in my ear after every photo I take with my 22 month old. He loves seeing himself on the screen and having a clap and a laugh with the delight of the photos.
I've decided to take this joy and plant it in some tangible things ~ photo albums we can hold in our hands.
We have photos on our walls that we look at all the time. They are the stories of our children's lives. They are the tools we use sometimes to calm our son down when he's loosing his cool - he sees the photos, points to his sister or himself and we tell him the story behind the photo.
We tell her all about the hours she spent in our front window painting and drawing.
She asks to hear the stories of being lifted and thrown by Dad over and over again.
She loves to hear about how she helped out so much when her new little brother arrived. I can hear him laughing when I see this image above.
This summer is the summer of photo albums at our house. I'm on a mission to FINALLY get our photos into books and onto our table so our children can look at them. I dream of us sitting together looking at them for years to come telling the same stories over and over again.
I also dream of our children having these in their hands to show their own children in 30 years - how amazing will that be?
I believe printed photos on the wall give us pause...they stop us just for a moment to gaze into an experience or memory. I love that. I love that they tell the story of our family and I can't wait to get more of them into albums.
I'm excited to share the love of albums with Breathe In Photography clients too! Stay tuned for more information around new packages.
Let me take the job off your hands - I've got this. I want you to have these photos printed so you can sit with your children and look over them for years to come.
I can't wait to get more albums in clients hands. There will be a few options including some I am calling "Coffee Table Stories" which will be ideal for young families.