Wakefield Family Photography⎜Elle Odyn

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Why Are You a Birth Photographer?

Today someone on one of the Birth Photography forums I'm part of asked a great question.  She asked us WHY we became birth photographers.  For me, it's a quick answer (as it's something I've thought about a lot and it's part of my about page already...).

The answers that came were so varied and so beautiful to read.  More on that later!  :)

My answer?

Why am I a birth photographer?

I believe that birth photography builds community, creates and celebrates connections and can start important conversations. When a woman sees an image of another in the water, quietly resting between contractions - perhaps she will ask herself if that's something she might do? Perhaps a family will consider something they never did before because they saw a birth image that showed them another chapter or possibility in birth. Birth photography is an anecdote to the mainstream media's often flawed depiction of birth. It sparks conversations about what could be, who women are in birth and most importantly gives us pause to reflect on what birth is about - it's not just the images, it's not just certain moments - it's a story...it's the connections, the relationships, the support - and that whole experience can impact a woman, a family - for the rest of their lives.

That's it.  That's my why.