Ottawa Breastfeeding Photography | Byward Market

Ottawa Nursing Mini Sessions

This February Breathe In Photography met with 12 families in the Byward Market for some breastfeeding, bottle-feeding and babywearing mini sessions.  It was a combination of families I've worked with before and some new ones.  I love meeting so many great people in one day!  

This pair had such a beautiful cuddly relationship.  I loved the spontaneous photos on the couch too!  We were so lucky as the sun shone right in the space at so many different angles due to the windows and a gorgeous skylight.

Working with Kim (note from me - my name is now Elle since 2020 officially) was so fantastic. She made me feel really comfortable, which isn't easy because I'm really camera shy. I'm so happy that space became available to do this session. I can't wait to work with her again!  

Why did you want babywearing / breastfeeding images?

I decided to do breastfeeding pictures because I want to be able to see the closeness my son and I shared during this time in our lives as well as show him when he's older.

What is the best thing about your babywearing relationship?  Why does it matter to you?

Babywearing has helped keep this Velcro baby close while still being able to get around or get things done during the day. I'm so much looking  forward to continuing the is babywearing journey as he grows.

What is the best thing about your feeding relationship?  What is something you'll always remember?

I love that I get to spend all this extra time with my little man. I'm already feeling like he's growing too fast as he nurses for less time or becomes more distracted by the world around him. I am really going to cherish those moments when the only thing that mattered in the world to him was me, and him to me. I will always remember him looking up into my eyes and smiling with milk dripping from the sides of his mouth. 

Do you have a favourite images from the session?  

All of them? I really love the pictures taken on the couch. They are a really accurate representation of how we are in our day to day lives. I also love the pictures where he's looking straight into the camera while in the wrap. He has such tires eyes, but he wouldn't fall asleep. I think I'll remember that for a long time.

Ottawa Babywearing Mini Sessions

Group mini sessions allow for more time for everyone so we had enough time to also include some babywearing images.  This little one was ready to fall asleep - though he did everything he could not to!  

Mini sessions are a great option for families who want only a few images that capture some of the day to day experiences in your life.  Sometimes we will meet and go for a walk around a park or in the market - and in the winter if the weather is too cold - we will find a great cozy location inside where we can still find natural light to create beautiful images.


Babywearing Dads and Babies of Peace Project | Ottawa Photographer


Photographing Motherhood | Real Moments Make A Photograph