You take care of each other, I’ll take care of the photos.

Choosing a photographer can be overwhelming and I hope these will give you an idea of what you can expect if we work together. This is a collection of photography posts since 2012. Choose from a category below and reach out with any questions.

Mother and toddler playing in the Ottawa River at Sunset.
Dad and son playing and laughing together.

or…Explore the Whole Blog

Elle Odyn Elle Odyn

Hope & Light | A New Year’s Aurora Story

I wonder sometimes as I’m pressing the shutter of my camera with my feet frozen and the sky filled with clouds if this is the same hope for light that kept me going when I was a kid.

I think it is…

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Retreat and Event Photos Elle Odyn Retreat and Event Photos Elle Odyn

Aaron's Butterfly Run | Ottawa Event Photography

Photography is how others see things they may not otherwise see. Photos can start important conversations and from one single image - a new relationship can be born.

I want you to see what’s possible when one family set out to organize a run in honour of their son Aaron. The impact of Aaron’s life is immeasurable and here is one way this is true.

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Birth Photography, Waterbirth Elle Odyn Birth Photography, Waterbirth Elle Odyn

Birth at Ottawa Birth and Wellness Centre

The Ottawa Birth and Wellness Centre offers families a place to birth in Ottawa where they can enjoy many comforts of home, large showers, a beautiful birthing tub and lots of space to move around in their own private room.

Supported by her midwife, doula and partner - these birth photos from the OBWC offer a window into what it’s like to birth at the centre.

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Babywearing Photography Elle Odyn Babywearing Photography Elle Odyn

Handwoven Wrap Cuddles | Ottawa Baby-wearing Photos

These photos prove what I’ve said all along (when this photography business was called Breathe In Photography) - the babywearing photos you invest in now will FOREVER bring you right back to these moments. You’ll feel the weight of your baby on your back, you’ll remember their “cooing” stage and their “da da la da ma pa” stage and the hours of cute conversations with toddlers stage. Take the photos!

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