This website is under construction and being transferred from another space. Please forgive the mess. Bookings are closed until Spring 2025.

Photography Workshops for Doulas and Birth Professionals in Ottawa-Gatineau

You are a birth professional.  You are a parent who wants to learn more about your camera before your child is born.  You are not even sure where to start.  

Elle Odyn Photography & Film offers unique workshops and one on one mentoring throughout the year to answer some of these challenges.  Be part of the Workshop Community.

Newborn baby born at home in water in Ottawa Gatineau.

Photography for Birth Professionals

You are a birth professional; a doula, a midwife, or a nurse.  You would like to offer your clients something unique.  You would like to stand apart in your industry.  You would like to capture beautiful images for families as their families grow.

Photography for Birth Professionals is a workshop designed to set you apart.  You will know the basics of shooting in manual in your camera and learn some tips and tricks about birth photography. This workshop includes a take-home manual for your reference.

Birth is a tough setting to take photos in - it's dark, fast, and unpredictable.  I will share with you so you can capture beautiful images.

There will be follow-up workshops so you can further refine your skills and you will be part of the Elle Odyn Birth Photography Workshops Community.  You will continue to have opportunities to gain more skills and be the first to know about upcoming workshops specifically designed to meet your goals.


The next workshop is TBD in October 2019 from 10:00am-5:00pm.

Personalized Mentoring

You have attended one of the Workshops or maybe you've been dabbling in photography for a few years.  You are thinking about starting a photography business.  You are a photographer and your best friend asked if you would capture her birth...

  • I want my photos to look like this!

  • Can we work on shooting in tough lighting?

  • I'm a photographer and I'm thinking about shooting a friend's birth - do you have any advice?

  • I want to start a photography business and I don't even know where to start.

  • How do you live on-call all the time?  What's your family life like?

  • How do I book more clients?  

  • What is SEO?  Why do I need that?  How do I get that?

  • My marketing?  I don't even know what that means...

  • Why aren't my photos in focus?

I only know what I know so far in 10 years of photography business and in many more using my cameras - but I'm happy to chat with you to see if we are a good fit and I can help you with your goals.  I will then design a specific program to meet your needs and we will go from there.  I'm also happy to connect you with others in the community who might be better suited to help.

$199 for the first 1.5 hour and an hourly rate from there.

Mom and baby smiling and laughing babywearing in Ottawa Arboretum in the winter.