Learn Why Birth Photographers Choose This Work | Birth Photography Day
Happy World Birth Photography Day!
Today, October 9 is Birth Photography Day! A day to celebrate the value and importance of this work and these photos to growing families. Nicole Burmeister, the entrepreneur behind The Birth Narrative and in collaboration with Birth Becomes Her and The Birth Photography Groups on Facebook, coordinated and put together this beautiful compilation of birth video clips and images from photographers around the world.
We answered our "WHY" through photographs, video and voice to share with others what this business is all about. It's a common question, most often followed by "What? What is that? Why would anyone want that photographed?" and I love the answers that came from this project.
Years ago, I defined my why and it has stayed true. I believe birth photography builds community, creates and celebrates connections and starts important conversations. I love that viewers may comment below an image shared on Facebook with a question about what is happening in the image. I love that sometimes an image will provoke solid discussions about birth and our choices in birth because it shows something different that what "tv" shows us so often. I love that birth photos can challenge us to think differently and explore our options for our own births. I love that these images often make families nostalgic and often shows them moments that they have long forgotten. Birth photography isn't for everyone, but it means a lot to many families and I am honoured to be invited to be the one who captures those images that they will have forever.
I hope you enjoy this video and please explore this website to learn more about birth photography in Ottawa Gatineau. I'm happy to chat anytime!