Ottawa Lifestyle Films and Video | Newborn and Baby |

Do you find yourself wishing you could stop time and just bottle up your newborn's sounds, expressions, gurgles and coos so you can hear them any time?

Do you wish you had more videos of your little one when they were first born?

Do you have little snippets of video here and there, on the "Cloud", on your phone and mixed into your email inbox? Do you wish you had it all in one spot so you could go back to it whenever your heart desired?

Me too!  I've been collecting video and mini-films of my children since they were born and I'm finally getting to putting them together into little mini-films that I can go back to year after year. I imagine sitting with my children as they grow up and showing them the little films of times gone by. I feel like it will give them a sense of family history. I hope it will give them a sense of belonging - knowing where they came from and hearing the stories of all their little and BIG adventures through the years.

Elle Odyn Photography & Film is now offering film and videography!

It can be an add-on to your birth story or to your in home newborn session. I can come and meet you at your birth place within 48 hours of birth and capture all the little details before they change. I can meet you at your favourite park and do an outdoor babywearing film. I can come to your home and do an in home feeding film so you can look back at it any time you want.

Ottawa Family Film at Westboro Beach.

Already I find myself forgetting the sounds of their voices, or the way she moved her little hands...

I am so grateful for the videos we've collected over the last five and a half years - because I can look them up and be brought RIGHT back to those moments...and I will admit they bring tears to my eyes often - mostly of nostalgia, gratitude and joy - but sometimes because I miss those days so much.

As we look forward in our family, I want to create more films - create more videos that we can look back on year after year - and I can't wait to do it!

What does this have to do with current Clients? my inspiration over the last few years, I've been capturing little snippets of video during births and during some sessions and surprising clients with them mixed into little slide shows...and I've decided it's time to make it "a thing" I offer.  A service - I would LOVE to capture some beautiful video of your family and create mini-films that you can look back on anytime.

I hope they will bring you back to the feel of their wispy baby hair, the sound of their first sneezes, the smell of their little heads, the sounds of their breath as they fall asleep on your back while you are carrying them. I hope they will remind you of the feel of the cloth you wrapped them in, the sounds of their mouths as they fed, the snuggles, the cuddles and of course the giggles and laughter. that's what's happening over here now.  Feel free to see what video and film options appeal to you and get in touch!  Your video can be an add-on to your session or you can simply choose to have film only!  I'd love to get started!

Until then, here's a little video I created from our family's late evening at Westboro Beach last weekend. 

I keep picturing beautiful sunset babywearing video sessions in this very spot (or Petrie Island perhaps?) - please contact me if this is something you'd be interested in! (I will offer it at a promotional rate for one family!)


Ottawa's Big Global Latch On | August 5 2017 |


Big Global Latch On Ottawa 2017 | Ottawa Breastfeeding Event Photographer